What Your Business WHY Is Really About

When I first started out as an entrepreneur, everyone was talking about my WHY being the most important thing in my business!

It will keep you going when the times are tough and whilst I didn’t at that point foresee the tough times ahead, I thought I was at least clear about my WHY. I’d been burnt out and soul destroyed in the legal profession and I was ready for a better life. I was ready to be my own boss and to design success on my terms. I was ready to build my own dream and not someone else’s.

Yet in my first two businesses which I tried to build simultaneously, my WHY was not enough! At least not in the long term. But I knew from the start that my Coaching Business was different. I had even more passion, determination and drive than ever before and I invested in myself and the business on a different level.

I just knew I was meant to coach, I was born to coach and it all felt right.

In the first year of setting up, I created a mission statement which was all about the woman I wanted to work with. On tough days, this helped me get out of my own way and make it about the woman I was trying to help. It wasn’t about me, it was about the woman who was where I once was. Burnt out, soul destroyed and struggling to work out what was next for her.

And whilst my clients have evolved to women with their own soulful journeys and businesses built a along the way, my WHY is even more so about her! I remember on a particular day, the 30th December 2014 when I woke up, feeling extremely low and petrified about what 2015 had in store for me.

I’d already left my job as I’d not listened to the warning signs a few years before and had little idea of what was really next for me. Yes, I’d started my first business but did I really know what I was doing? Would it make money quick enough for me considering I didn’t now have an income? How did I get me out of the soul-destroyed version of me into the girl I’d been? What if I failed? How did I know it was the right business for me? How would I do it?

Maybe you’ve been in this place too ?

You get the picture, I cried all day which was so unlike me. I felt hopeless, fearful and alone with where I was at – I didn’t know where to begin.

That is WHY, I do what I do as I don’t want another woman finding herself in that space.

So your WHY , is never actually about you! It’s about who you serve and why you do it. And that usually relates back to your path, your story and the toughest moments you’ve found yourself in. That is WHY you do what you do. That is WHY you get up everyday and serve. That is WHY you get out of your own way.

Making it about them and not about you, is the key to your WHY. It’s not about what you want. It’s about what your client’s need and everything you have to give them. Its the solution you provide to their problem.

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