Book Call

with Lulu Minns

Leadership Coaching for
women leaders to

Personal Development &

Book your 30 min connection call 

Book Call

with LuLu Minns

Personal Development 

Women tend to hit their genius phase in their 40's and 50's which can be an exciting and sometimes overwhelming time....

It takes time, space and expert guidance to unleash it powerfully -- in only the way you can. 

I help Women Leaders and Founders to unleash their genius and get on track in their unique direction!

Women tend to experience different roadblocks and rights of passage to men, and it’s through navigating these successfully that we find a greater sense of ourselves, our direction and our genius. 

My promise to you, is when working together, you will gain a radical shift into more of your genius zone with an even stronger sense of who you are and the work you are here to do.  

You’ve come a long way, achieved a lot but maybe can’t pinpoint what's next? 

Or know you the direction but you just don’t know how to unleash an aspect of it. 

Is it more strategy you need? More masculine tools?
 (often you've already got those resources)

Or maybe you need to release something.
Reflect and consider ‘it all’ from a different perspective…..

The old ways might not work as they once did……and perhaps you want to find some new ways! 

  • Break free from barriers and limitations. 
  • Release emotional patterns. 
  • Discover an extra layer of your inner leader. 
  • Gain more clarity, truth and an even greater sense of yourself. 
  • Shift your identity and genius to the next level. 
  • Create bigger returns in your professional (& personal life).  
  • Experience renewed confidence if required. 
  • Create LONG LASTING, meaningful change and transformation. 

When we work together, you will :

Toolkits Include :

Delivered to you via a blend of both professional & personal coaching
(past, present and future version of you).

You will receive practical guidance and tools which lead to even greater insights. I often recommend one of the programmes to run alongside our coaching sessions.

3 keys to self actualisation


Summary : Unlock your potential & purpose 

Using the 3 keys to self actualisation, this toolkit will support you to uncover your next chapter as well as any potential blocks. 

Inc's 4-week self study course, audios, workbook and integration meditation. 

genius wheel 


Summary : Align your Personal Growth Cycle

Using the Genius Wheel, you'll discover your unique personal growth cycle, which means you can navigate your personal and professional leadership challenges with clarity. 

Inc : 12 months support - align your 2024 intentions, use as a filter for decision making and plan for the future. 



Summary : Create balance in leadership 

Using the feminine principles, you will learn to transcend masculine based leadership qualities and find a blended approach to lead with greater fulfilment, impact and balance. 

Inc's 12 x feminine principles, audios, worksheets and meditation. 

12 feminine principles


I'm here, to simply guide you :

Meet Lulu

Lulu is award winning Coach and Retreat specialist, plus founder of She Rebel Radio ® celebrated for ‘counter status quo ideas’ and ‘whole dose of feminine perspective’, the podcast has attracted sponsorships from Local Enterprise Partnerships and Natwest Business Hub. 

Specialising in Personal and Leadership Development Coaching for women leaders, Lulu's background in the social sciences creates highly unique learning pathways for her clients with a mixture of deep self enquiry, exponential personal development and raised conscious awareness of themselves and those around them. 

Her approach is integrative, highly intuitive and perceptive and not solely head based, but also body based which is essential to creating substantive and long lasting change. 

Working as a criminal defence litigator for over 11 years, a large part of Lulu’s work is supporting women in their own businesses, private organisations and the public sector including government departments, universities and charities.

Named after ‘Lulu from Hollywood’ signifies the culturally rich environment Lulu grew up in, ie. a record shop in Brighton surrounded by musicians and many artistic influences. She is an avid reader of female & feminine narrative, a challenger by nature and a lover of Mexico. 

 Here are what some of my clients say :
click here for videos



CEO Broadcasting and Media Company/ Music Entrepreneur 

"Like Magic, everything we worked on, radically changed" 

With 32 years experience in the music industry, Emma was ready to unleash the next level of her genius to not only her business but her life and relationships too.

Attending retreats and working with Lulu 1:1
ensured a total transformation :
"My whole life and business has changed"


Leadership and Career Coach
Head of Coaching Banking Corporation  

"I feel better connected to myself and in trusting my own unique voice & experience"

Ensuring a smooth transition into into motherhood and as a business owner, Kat left the corporate world of banking after 12 years and entered her next cycle with confidence and ease.

Kat has attended retreats, self study courses and 1:1 support with Lulu. 



Managing Director, Digital Marketer and Writer

 "Working with Lulu is as disruptive as it is harmonious" 

Helen discovered a whole new way of working using the feminine principles and discovering her zone of genius. After 15 years in the charity digital sector, Helen successfully set up her own digital agency (whilst being a mum of two) where she now hires other freelancers to help with her workload. 

Helen accesses day retreats and 1:1 coaching with Lulu and loves the self study and toolkit support. 



Chief of Operations and Managing Director 

" ‘It was a punctuation mark to stop and ensure I took ownership’" 

30 years as Chief of Operations and project manager, Louise recognised a work relationship pattern she needed to break ahead of what was a significant birthday and her sacred right of passage.

Attending a retreat, workshops and accessing the self learning support meant Louise has stopped putting others needs first, taken ownership and made a successful leap to becoming her own managing director. 




Clinical Director & Physiotherapist Business Owner

"I think absolutely every woman should do this. My cork has popped baby’"

With over 22 years experience in running her professional physiotherapy business, Sabreen has undertaken her own personal development work but working with Lulu ensured she unravelled barriers that had been holding her back and felt truly liberated as well as even more capable for her next significant chapter.

Working 1:1 with Lulu and attended a Retreat, Sabreen said "it was really deep work, enriching helping me to really move forward"



Coach, IT Consultant and Director  

"This has taken me on a journey that far exceeded my expectations"

25 years in the IT sector, after starting an independent consulting career, Jo wanted to diversify but had no idea how too : 
"working with Lulu changed that and transformed my life, career and relationships more than I could have ever imagined including my relationship to myself. 

Working 1:1 with Lulu, accessing toolkits and attending retreats regularly, Jo says "I surfaced as the strong, confident, independent and tenacious business woman I am. It's hard to encapsulate the interweaving and blend of this work."

 This is about women being women and expressing ourselves at our highest level which is near impossible when we’re living by principles that we did not ourselves create.

Feminine energy and principles have long ago been disregarded, disrespected and almost destroyed but she is returning and as women we all have a duty to embody, live and lead from that space.

 But how can we do that if we don’t know what it is or how to access it? 

 This is about women being women and expressing ourselves at our highest level which is near impossible when we’re living by principles that we did not ourselves create.

Feminine energy and principles have long ago been disregarded, disrespected and almost destroyed but she is returning and as women we all have a duty to embody, live and lead from that space.

 But how can we do that if we don’t know what it is or how to access it?