What if no meetings were an accident?
What if instead, they were all leading us to a point where we were ready to unleash more of our genius?
This week, on She Rebel Radio, we explore the concept of the genius loci.
Do we all have a zone of genius and if so, how we can begin to find it.
Poet, David Whyte says our genius loci is best understood within its’ ancient sense.
Genius loci was related to the ‘spirit of place’, a meeting point which can translate to a meeting point within ourselves.
This means our genius is not something which can be achieved but rather its’ innate within us.
To help you get started in tuning into your genius loci, meditation is key.
During this episode, I share a 20 minute ‘I am’ meditation with you.
Also available as an MP3 with journaling tools available to download now : https://sherebelradio.eo.page/toolkit
Link to listen : https://sherebelradio.libsyn.com/what-is-my-genius-loci