Self Empowerment – For Women Leaders

Today, we dive into the world of self empowerment, what it is, where we are and how we can amplify it when we need to. 

Even self-empowered Women need a boost and anything can throw us off course. Empowerment builds on the sense of agency and empowerment we already have. 

And there is nothing I hate more than in the disempowering of women by a. Giving women advice when we have not asked for and b. Telling women they lack confidence as in my experience – if women lack anything, it’s ‘significance’…..! 

And by that, I mean purpose as when we find our sense of purpose or what is important to us – the confidence comes. Women tend to lead from a place that is heart (and body based) and we have to learn how to do that. 

During She Rebel Radio Podcast Episode 140, I share a self empowerment audit with you and I share with you 3 crucial self empowerment books everyone should read. 

The book recommendations in ascending order of complexity are as follows : 

  1. Ted : The Empowerment Dynamic
  2. The Universe has your Back by Gabrielle Bernstien
  3. The Untethered Soul by Michael A.Singer

And I conclude by sharing with you, 5 steps you can take if you are feeling disempowered or having a disempowered phase (which tend to last longer). 

  1. Educate Yourself Knowledge is a powerful tool that can help us navigate feelings of disempowerment. Continuously learning and seeking information can provide the strength and confidence needed to face challenges.
  1. Seek Support Don’t hesitate to get support in areas where you feel disempowered. This could be from friends, mentors, or professionals. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can make a significant difference.
  1. Recognise Control Understand the difference between what you can and cannot control. Focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you cannot can help reduce stress and increase your sense of empowerment.
  1. Conduct Regular Empowerment Audits Regularly assess your empowerment, perhaps every six months or quarterly. This helps you stay on track and make necessary adjustments to maintain your empowerment.
  1. Focus on Vision, Not Problems Orient yourself towards your vision rather than your problems. Focusing on your goals and aspirations empowers you from a place that is quite indestructible.

Before we finish with a super powerful mantra (mindtool) for self-trust that you can take into your everyday personal and professional lives. 

To find out how I can support you on your empowerment journey – book a 30-minute connection call with me here :

Spending the remainder of the year stuck and not moving forward is

not where any woman, especially YOU, needs to be. 

Stay empowered 💪

PS. Listen to Podcast episode :

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