Ask Smart Questions And Take Smart Action

Entrepreneurs ask smart questions and take smart action

Are you getting caught up in the future too much?

I can’t do this and what about that?

Over thinking, over analysing and shooting an idea down before it’s really had any time to flourish?

Check in with where you are right now compared to the intentions you set out with at the beginning of the year. How is everything coming along?

My intention for 2017 was to have the best year yet! From building an incredible fully booked coaching practice, to hiring a cleaner and having regular manicures. To writing a book, travelling more, having an international mastermind event, driving my dream car and upscaling relationships and connections.
Of course there have been bumps, doubts and limiting beliefs along the way, as that is the nature of us as humans.
Some of those amazing things have happened and some have not but you know what? We have almost 4 months left of the year so I am checking in with what I need to do about the rest of those things coming into fruition.

How about you? Are you going to give up or keep on persevering?

I shelved my book in April as I decided it couldn’t really be a priority along with my coaching business. But I did keep asking smart questions : how can I find flow with writing my book? How can I simplify it? And as soon as I let go of the outcome, the answers started to come to me.

And I took smart action. I continued to work on me. I continued to invest in me and I continued to grow. I continued to tune in and listen to my higher self. I continued to meditate, practice yoga and journal daily. I trusted the process and eventually in July I wrote the entire first draft of  Shadow to Self, (50,000 words) in just 48 hours.

So what excuses are you making for things not happening for you? How about making those excuses your reasons for continuing?

How about you stop blaming your finances for not being able to move forward?
Successful entrepreneurs do not use that reason for anything.

How about you stop saying it’s not the right time for your dream?
Successful entrepreneurs know there is never a right time.

And how about you stop seeking permission and approval of others?
Successful entrepreneurs know, other people are not living your life – only you are and only you know what needs to happen next!

The same stories you keep playing are getting you the exact same results! And doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity. Yet your mind will keep you where you are at….it’s the mind’s job to keep you in fear and protect you by keeping things just as they are.

But you can create the life and business you want by asking smart questions which begin with ‘how’? And you you can take smart action by listening to the answers. So check in with what hasn’t come to fruition and ask the smart questions before taking the smart action.

Ditch the excuses and the stories….unless you wanna start 2018 right where you are now – is that what you want ? No, I thought not.

Ask : ‘How can I create……..?’

Listen : Then take action……

Stop : The stories and excuses!


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