3 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do….

I’ve been providing a service in business for nearly 15 years and for three of those years, I’ve been a business owner and learnt what differentiates successful people from those who continue to struggle.

Here are three things I’ve found that successful entreprenuers do every single day!

1. They surround themselves with likeminded people

So the saying goes from Jim Rohn – ‘you become the average of the 5 people we hang around with the most’. Surrounding yourself with people who are on the same or higher mission than yourself is an essential tool.

Choose people who radiate and excite your energy instead of draining it and trying to keep you grounded in what may or may not be ‘realistic’. As being realistic is really not a tool you need as an entrepreneur.

Instead you need to be surrounded with people who totally get what you’re trying to do and get excited with you. They rock your vibes and raise you higher instead of bringing you crashing down.

Make no mistake about it, it’s tough being in business and you will need those people when you have bad days and may start to doubt your message or mission. These are the very people will bring you back to where you need to be – high vibe.

And its for these reasons amongst others that successful entrepreneurs have coaches. So often a mistake is made that coaching is for broken people when in really its forward thinking, coaching is for making good people great and great people extraordinary.

We all get in our own way and need people to get us to move out of our way.

2. They stay focused and in their own lane

Focusing on your mission and tune in with you is crucial. Instead of constant comparison and focusing on what everyone is doing, successful people tune in with themselves, their wisdom, intuition and why.

Focusing on what vision you want to manifest and taking aligned action to get you there is where the shifts and changes happen.

Successful people do not have time to worry what other people may or may not be doing.

3. They make decisions fast

Whether it’s right or wrong successful people are not afraid to make a decision without over analysing it. They feel into and make a decision without spending hours, days, weeks or even months procrastinating. Some people even spend years, thinking about starting a business.

We zap so much energy when going back and forth in making a decision. It’s hugely time and energy wasting.

Sitting on the fence is a place that no successful person wants to be sitting! With one leg dangling in and one leg dangling out, its a pointless place to be. Should I go this way or should I go that way never works. It means you sit on the fence all day long.

To ‘decide’ in latin means to “cut off” all other options and head the way you’ve decided to go.

What do you need to change today?

Who do you need to surround yourself with?

What do you need to focus on?

What decisions do you need to make?

Do you need a high vibe group of like minded women to surround yourself with?

Join our Biz Hippy Tribe on Facebook. We’d love to have you.

I’ve been providing a service in business for nearly 15 years and for three of those years, I’ve been a business owner and learnt what differentiates successful people from those who continue to struggle.

Here are three things I’ve found that successful entreprenuers do every single day!

1. They surround themselves with likeminded people

So the saying goes from Jim Rohn – ‘you become the average of the 5 people we hang around with the most’. Surrounding yourself with people who are on the same or higher mission than yourself is an essential tool.

Choose people who radiate and excite your energy instead of draining it and trying to keep you grounded in what may or may not be ‘realistic’. As being realistic is really not a tool you need as an entrepreneur.

Instead you need to be surrounded with people who totally get what you’re trying to do and get excited with you. They rock your vibes and raise you higher instead of bringing you crashing down.

Make no mistake about it, it’s tough being in business and you will need those people when you have bad days and may start to doubt your message or mission. These are the very people will bring you back to where you need to be – high vibe.

And its for these reasons amongst others that successful entrepreneurs have coaches. So often a mistake is made that coaching is for broken people when in really its forward thinking, coaching is for making good people great and great people extraordinary.

We all get in our own way and need people to get us to move out of our way.

2. They stay focused and in their own lane

Focusing on your mission and tune in with you is crucial. Instead of constant comparison and focusing on what everyone is doing, successful people tune in with themselves, their wisdom, intuition and why.

Focusing on what vision you want to manifest and taking aligned action to get you there is where the shifts and changes happen.

Successful people do not have time to worry what other people may or may not be doing.

3. They make decisions fast

Whether it’s right or wrong successful people are not afraid to make a decision without over analysing it. They feel into and make a decision without spending hours, days, weeks or even months procrastinating. Some people even spend years, thinking about starting a business.

We zap so much energy when going back and forth in making a decision. It’s hugely time and energy wasting.

Sitting on the fence is a place that no successful person wants to be sitting! With one leg dangling in and one leg dangling out, its a pointless place to be. Should I go this way or should I go that way never works. It means you sit on the fence all day long.

To ‘decide’ in latin means to “cut off” all other options and head the way you’ve decided to go.

What do you need to change today?

Who do you need to surround yourself with?

What do you need to focus on?

What decisions do you need to make?

Do you need a high vibe group of like minded women to surround yourself with?

Join our Biz Hippy Tribe on Facebook. We’d love to have you.

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Check out the latest Soul Jottings...which documents my journey in leaving my position of prestige and into greater self actualisation. 

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