Mastermind  Day : 19th October 2023

Venue: Yolk House, Rock Street, Kemp Town, Brighton.

Date: Thurs, Oct 19th, 2023 

Time: 10.30am - 3.30 PM BST 

Price : Early bird £225 
Available until 29th September
Deposit of £125 payable and balance of £100 due 5th October.

Full Price : £255 

FEMALE FOUNDERS Mastermind Day : 19th October 2023 

Join She Rebel Radio® for a one day Mastermind Event with 6 other female entrepreneurs/business owners. 

Together, we meet at Yolk House to celebrate, challenge and collaborate. 

Each of you, will bring with something you'd like to celebrate from the year, a challenge you'd like to solve and together we will collaborate on the solution/s. 

This is a small and intimate event with 6 participants only.

A beautiful buffet lunch with be provided and small glass of fizz to toast when we finish. 

Event Info:

Female Founders Away Day

"I love how Lulu takes the weight out of our challenges”

- EMMA ,


"Lulu is my Secret Weapon, she keeps me from getting in my own way"


"I got more working with Lulu for 3 hours than I have after several months working with other coaches"

"Without Lulu, I'd still be sitting behind a desk built and created by somebody else."


"I love that Lulu guides you in the way that is right for you, not a standard one way fits all, which really fits with my view of life.  "


" Lulu will change you in just one session"


"Working with Lulu felt like I had just swept all the crap from my desk onto the floor. She was the first coach to help me actually focus..."


"The depth to Lulu's coaching is something I'd love to bottle up and spread like fairy dust to women everywhere"

- Anon 

"Lulu helped me be the woman who has it all."


"Lulu helped me to define the lifestyle I wanted & establish my business which is soul led"


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