Have You Had A Digital Detox Before?

Last weekend I decided to take a little time out for me. Whilst I connect with myself on a daily basis by practising Yoga, meditating, journaling and am a regular at the beach, last weekend I knew I needed a little a more so I scheduled in a Digital Detox for 5 whole days. 

Of course I run an online business which I love. I love connecting with people from around the world. I love building relationships and I love being inspired and inspiring others. It all feels amazing to me but it doesn’t mean I have to be connected 24/7.

I made that mistake in the legal profession and make no secret of the fact, when I left my corporate career–which was the only life I’d known–it’s safe to say I felt disconnected. Disconnected from myself, from life, from others as well as from the bigger picture. That is a place, I refuse to find myself in again.

‘Disconnect with technology to reconnect with yourself’ – Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington describes the concept of our mind, “sort of like the household junk drawer – just keep cramming stuff in and hope it doesn’t jam”.  But eventually it becomes overflowing with so much stuff, we can’t seem to find anything, anything we actually want or need. Yet we never bother to empty it out and make space. We dart around all over the place trying to find answers, when in reality all we need to do is stop, connect, listen and wait. We need to clear out the drawer so that there’s room for the answers that will reveal themselves when we tune in. For me, having a regular Digital Detox is part of that process. 

And I see lots of online entrepreneurs fail to take that the time to tune in daily and have a digital detox, which results in creating content which is not really authentic. What happens is a
regurgitated message from youtube videos, books and other coaches and so forth rather than having a unique message and content of their own. You can find yourself wondering why the success doesn’t come or it does come and the likelihood is you will still feel discontent as you are not speaking your truth. And that doesn’t come until you tune in and connect with you.

So delete the distractions , the noise online and what everyone else thinks and reconnect with you. The deeper part of you that without the noise can find all the answers. I know this works which is why I have a regular digital so I can come back to myself, the business and my clients full of new energy and ready to go with the flow that only a true connection can bring!

In fact I had left it too long for this one and knew that as I was really looking forward to switching it all off. So I won’t leave it so long next time and may even have a mini one once a month!

Here is how to have a Digital Detox :

1. Schedule it in
2. Commit to it and get a friend or a larger tribe on board (my whole group     was included in mine)
3. Delete all your Favourite App’s
4. Avoid your laptop/Computer where you can
5. Sit back and Enjoy the huge amount of time you will have (increase your    meditation practice)

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